Complaints Procedure.


Hanover Insolvency Limited (The Company) is Authorised and Regulated by the Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA). A summary of the IPA’s complaint procedure can be found at:

The purpose of this policy is to set out the rules relating to the internal handling of complaints, including procedures put in place; the time limits within which a complaint should be dealt with; the referral of complaints and the records must made and retained. Also covered are the requirements to report information about complaints to the relevant regulatory bodies.

The Company aims to ensure that complaints are handled fairly, effectively, promptly, and resolved at the earliest possible opportunity. The Company’s objective in this regards is to minimise and if at all possible eliminate instances of escalation to the relevant regulatory bodies.

A “complaint” is any expression of dissatisfaction made by any third party that is an eligible complainant.

An “eligible” complainant is a customer or potential customer who is a private individual or is a business affected by the activities of the Company.

The Company pledges to acknowledge complaints promptly following receipt and we must enclose a copy of our procedures to each complainant. Appendix 1.

If The Company receives an oral complaint any written acknowledgement must be sent and must set out our understanding of the complaint.

If a complaint cannot be resolved by the close of the next business day, following its receipt, (within 48 hours), The Company will ensure that the complainant is regularly kept informed of our progress with regards to the investigation into the complaint.

The Company will endeavour to send a Final Decision Letter; addressing the concerns and providing the complainant with its decision within 28 business days or at a maximum of 8 weeks.

Where The Company is unable to provide a Final Decision Letter, confirmation of this will be sent in writing along with an explanation as to why investigations have not been completed within this timescale. The Company will confirm when the complainant can next expect contact.

Where the company remains unable to complete its investigations within 8 weeks of a complaint, confirmation of this will be made in writing along with an explanation as to why investigations have not been completed within this time scale. This notification will confirm when the complainant can next expect to be contacted and reaffirm the procedure for escalation the relevant regulatory bodies.

At any stage the complainant remains entitled to raise their grievance through the Insolvency Complaints Gateway:

Complaints can also be made in writing by completing the online form at the above address and posting to: IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA or by calling the Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 678 0015 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm).

Notwithstanding escalation to the relevant regulatory body The Company will continue to investigate the complaint until it is in a position to send a Final Decision Letter.

The Company will give due and appropriate consideration to any complaints that are upheld for any acts or omissions for which it is responsible.
The matter will be deemed closed when:

  • The investigation has been completed and a Final Decision Letter has been sent to the complainant, or;
  • Where the complainant has indicated, in writing, acceptance of any earlier response, where appropriate.

Communicating the procedure to customers must be made in contractual and pre contractual information by giving reference that they may complain and who to contact should they have a grievance.

The Company will provide a copy of the complaint procedure to any customer on request.

Investigating complaints must be carried out by a person who is of sufficient competence and who is responsible for the record keeping and reporting of complaints to the Insolvency Practitioner.

The Customer Service Manager will make a full root cause analysis of any complaint and advise the Directors / Insolvency Practitioner accordingly.  Any consideration arising from an upheld complaint must be authorised by the Managing

The Company will ensure that all its employees are made aware of the Policy and provide them with sufficient training in order to be able to recognise a complaint and act upon in accordance with the Policy.

 Complaint Procedure

    • On receipt of any complaint from a customer in any format by any member staff it will be communicated to their immediate team leader / line manager.
    • In the event that the Team or line manager is absent from the office a Director or the Insolvency Practitioner should be notified of any complaint.
    • The member of staff will acknowledge the complaint verbally to the complainant and make a record of the issues the complaint involves and advise of their right to a copy of the Policy.
    • The ‘Complaints Log’ will be completed detailing the date and time of complaint with a brief overview of the issue and steps taken so far to resolve it.
    • Within 48 hours of receiving the complaint the member of staff responsible will contact the complainant with a view to obtaining a resolution. If the Complainant is unavailable or if a resolution is not available in this instance a letter will be sent advising of the next steps and containing a copy of the Policy.
    • If the complaint is not resolved in the first instance it will be considered escalated.
    • The responsible manager will set diaries consistent with the aforementioned time scales in the case management system.
    • The Final Report will be sent within 28 working days.
    • If the Final Report is not sent within 28 working days then an Extension of Time Letter will be sent to the complainant.
    • A Final Report will be issued no later than 4 weeks from receiving the complaint.
    • If the Final Report finds in favour of the complainant, the Customer Service Manager will discuss the root cause analysis with the Managing Director and Insolvency Practitioner.
    • If the Customer Service Manager finds in favour of a complainant, then the Final Report must refer to this and make an apology in every case.
    • If the complaint is found not to be valid the final report must fully explain the reasons for which the complaint will not be upheld and advise of the complainants right to challenge this finding.
    • All Final Reports will refer the complainant to the ‘Insolvency Complaints Gateway’.
    • Should any Final Reports not be sent within 8 weeks from receipt of the complaint then an apology must be sent explaining why the Final Report could not be sent with a copy of the Policy enclosed.
    • All complaints escalated to will be analysed and a root cause analysis report supplied to the Insolvency Practitioner.
    • The report must contain: number of complaints received in that period; total number year to date; advisor involved; list of issues; analysis of system/service/person involved; timelines; number upheld; number referred to the Insolvency Gate Way; number of current complaints to the Insolvency Gate Way; number upheld by the Insolvency Practitioners Association; remedial work advised; remedial work completed.
    • A separate hardcopy and electronic copy of all complaint communications including letter copies will be kept on company data/compliance/complaints.
    • Records will be kept for three years.